Google Project Management | Agile Project Management | Weekly Challenge 4

1) Which of the following are components of a typical value roadmap? Select all that apply.


  • A release plan
  • A product vision
  • A product roadmap


2) Which of the following provides an overview of the expected product, its high-level requirements, and an estimated schedule for reaching milestones?

Ans: A product roadmap


3) What are some of the benefits of developing and maintaining a product roadmap? Select all that apply.


  • Teams and stakeholders understand of the sequence of deliverables
  • Stakeholders notice incremental value over the course of the project
  • Teams understand how their efforts relate to the project vision


4) Imagine you’re a project manager creating a project roadmap. You meet with the Product Owner to estimate the team’s capacity and velocity—their ability to complete work at a certain pace. Which Agile principle does this scenario represent?

Ans: Agile processes promote sustainable development—the team developers should be able to maintain a constant workload.


5) Imagine you are a project manager for an interior design company that adopts a new invoicing process. To ensure successful adoption, you schedule training sessions to ensure the team has the skills to complete the process. As an incentive, you promise a gift card to the first person to successfully complete the training. Which two of the six sources of influence does this scenario demonstrate? Select all that apply.


  • Structural motivation
  • Personal ability


6) Does a low level of interpersonal conflict mean that a team is experiencing issues?

Ans: Sometimes. If a team rarely has disagreements, it could mean team members don’t feel safe stating their opinions.


7) What two problems commonly arise when you fail to implement Scrum completely? Select all that apply.


  • A temptation to skip events or blend them to save time
  • A loss of clear roles and responsibilities


8) Fill in the blank: DevOps combines software development with _____.

Ans: Information Technology (IT) operations


9) Which of the following are product roadmap best practices? Select all that apply.


  • Make the roadmap highly noticeable to the team and refer to it frequently
  • Indicate highest priority and highest value items
  • Make the roadmap highly visible to stakeholders
  • Conduct regular reviews with sponsors, stakeholders, and the team


10) Imagine you are a project manager for a software company. Your team plans to develop a new learning management system (LMS) for a local school district by the end of the quarter. Which of the following factors can potentially push back your release plan date? Select all that apply.


  • A member of your development team leaves to take a new job.
  • The Product Owner expands the project to include two additional school districts.
  • Your team realizes an epic will take more time to complete than anticipated.


11) Fill in the blank: When overseeing Agile adoption in your organization, you find an executive sponsor who supports the change. The sponsor can help create a sense of _____.

Ans: Ownership


12) Imagine you are a project manager overseeing the adoption of Agile at your organization. To smooth the transition, you define specific outcomes. You also make sure the measures are visible to the entire team throughout the change. Which of the three keys to influence does this scenario demonstrate?

Ans: Clarify measurable results


13) Imagine you are a project manager for a mobile game that is experiencing significant technical issues. While working on the update, your team members appear unhappy and arrive at work late. What can you do to boost morale and improve the quality of deliverables? Select all that apply.


  • Take a training class on team dynamics and how to better work together
  • Run a team brainstorm session to identify areas for improvement
  • Change up the workflows by pairing people to work together on hard tasks


14) What can you do to address instability when people leave and join your team frequently? Select all that apply.


  • Schedule shorter sprints so departing team members can wrap up work.
  • Use pair programming so new team members can learn on the job.
  • Create a quick onboarding process for new team members.


15) Which scaling method is not a true Agile framework, but can help organizations overcome the challenges of scaling?

Ans: The Spotify Model


16) Fill in the blank: You can make sure your team delivers value to customers by building the right thing, building the thing right, and _____.

Ans: running it right


17) What are the components of a typical value roadmap?

Ans: A product vision, a product roadmap, and release plans


18) Fill in the blank: In a release plan, product releases happen _____.

Ans: when the team develops a working version of a given feature or requirement


19) Imagine you’re a project manager creating a project roadmap. You meet with the Product Owner to estimate the team’s capacity and velocity—their ability to complete work at a certain pace. Which Agile principle does this scenario represent?

Ans: Agile processes promote sustainable development—the team developers should be able to maintain a constant workload


20) Which of the three core concepts of change management benefits most from asking questions about what’s working and what’s not working right now?

Ans: Create a sense of ownership and urgency


21) Imagine you are a project manager overseeing the adoption of Agile at your organization. To smooth the transition, you define specific outcomes. You also make sure the measures are visible to the entire team throughout the change. Which of the three keys to influence does this scenario demonstrate?

Ans: Clarify measurable results

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